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Emergence: A Woman’s Group

As I sit at my dining room table on a mid summer afternoon, I look out the window and see the hibiscus tree in bloom. This tree was one of three my sister had transplanted from our parents home eleven years ago. The transplanting process was successful and the tree now has grown to a considerable height, and petals of lavender with dark burgundy centers, and the central protruding part that at this moment I do not know the name of; I will look it up. I have been thinking about how to begin this project, what to do first, how to lay out the format, how shall I explain what this group is and knowing that when the time comes, I will most likely do a blend of explaining what I have done in the past that has been helpful, what I hope to accomplish, some suggestions as to how participants can get the most out of this experience, and probably doing some improvisatory work. Oh, and about the hibiscus flowers? Using my mother’s 1947 Funk and Wagnalls New College Standard Dictionary, the definition for hibiscus a noun, is: A plant of a genus (Hibiscus) of herbs, shrubs, or trees of the rose-mallow family, with large, showy, variously colored flowers: adopted as the floral emblem of Hawaii. [<Greek hibiskos, mallow]

Emergence is a five week women’s group that will meet from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays

Since this is a new project, I thought that initially a five week time frame would be something manageable and doable for those who are here for the group’s maiden voyage. I have periodically offered groups and educational seminars for women in the past. While the bulk of my work is on an individual basis, in my heart of hearts, I find group work to be uniquely meaningful and I am always drawn by its pull. I personally have not found many resources in this area, or what is available, is usually at a distance.

How can I get the most out of Emergence?

In considering the development of this group, I envisioned a group for personal development. For my part, there are three themes I will consistently be focusing on and will be the essential goals of the group. The first goal is that of our own self-worth and how we value ourselves. The second goal is how we as women can be supportive of each other. The third goal is to consider the concept of what is healing for ourselves and what makes a difference for us in our lives. While these are my goals that I put out for an initial framework, and while there will be in-group experiences to help facilitate this process, ultimately this experience will be meaningful, growth enhancing, and beneficial the more that you are able to name, state, define, clarify, what you personally need and desire. I would suggest a weekly writing or journaling of your thoughts, feelings, reactions.

What can I expect from attending Emergence?

In planning this group, I have considered what has been the most positive group experiences I have had, and how I can re-create these settings. First, participation is completely voluntary. I have considered five week cycles as a structure. At the end of this five week period, you may chose to discontinue your participation, you may chose to take a break for awhile, you may continue to participate in the next five week cycle. Emergence will be an on-going offering of support for women and I am committed to have the group available; it is possible that the day or the time may change. The addition of new members will be a gradual process; one in which the existing group members will be informed and will have an opportunity to process this growth process and the new member will equally have an opportunity to consider their involvement and commitment.

Is the group confidential? How are issues of confidentiality addressed?

The absolute and most important guideline for a successful group experience is the group rule of confidentiality. Having a practice of confidentiality allows trust to develop and grow. A trusting environment is probably the most fertile soil to plant the seeds of change, to discover those inner recesses of yourself, and to practice new behaviors. Obviously, confidentiality becomes a responsibility of all individual members.

What is the counseling approach or theory that will be used?

At this time, I have prepared a bibliography that includes many references I have regularly sought for content, guidance, preparation. Group members are welcomed to obtain these references for themselves.

So, what is Emergence? Emergence can be described as a women’s gathering, a healing circle, a study group of sorts, a safe place to be one’s self, a place that is nonjudgmental, and not critical. A place where a woman can explore the aspects of mind, body, and spirit from a Woman-centered perspective. A place that allows for a woman to explore those inner resources that generate creativity, intuitive knowingness. A place to talk, a place to listen. A place to inspire, to be inspired, to be an inspiration. A place of our brightest aspirations and to be encouraged.

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